Ayurvedic remedies for depression, stress, restlessness, anxiety in children and adults

Ayurvedic remedies for depression, stress, restlessness, anxiety in children and adults

Ayurvedic remedies for depression, stress, restlessness, anxiety in children and adults



Reasons for concern:


by treatment

There can be countless reasons for concern. Some of the major reasons are below.


 Lack of tolerance, growing ambition, lack of patience and restraint, hiding your troubles,

 Fall of family values, showing off in relationships, making fun of times of sorrow, failing in exams or competitions, staying away from family, parents and society of the younger generation.

 Frustration of not accepting oneself, Social neglect, Feeling weak and degraded, Repeated failures, Not getting enough sleep at night, Increasing tendency of intoxication, Negative thinking, Big dreams, Financial constraints, Lack of money, Diseases Fear of growing illness, worry of family

 Uncountable unemployment, cheating, deceit, deceit, wafai, sometimes women’s sacrifice, sometimes men’s actions, lack of restraint, haste, cheating with loved ones or love-love etc. is the main reason for depression. as well as more relaxed and lazy life

Attraction towards leisure. Along with this, consumption of vengeful food, alcohol, meat, alcohol, junk food, cold drinks also increases the level of cholesterol in our body, due to which stress and depression come quickly in the body. . It has also been said that “as you eat food, so will your manna”.


Some other causes of depression, such as genetics, which is going on from generations, hormonal imbalance, home environment, self-esteem, abuse, poverty, violence, sometimes taking such drugs or steroids or any medical condition can also cause depression and anxiety. There are reasons.


Excessive use of mobile and TV

Alcohol and smoking increase depression in a person as well as become the root cause of other complex diseases.



First of all we have to try to get out of this situation.


Keep a positive mind, do not fall into stressful situations.

Don’t be in contact with people who have negative thoughts.

Avoid overthinking on anything.


Before we take some big changes or medicines, we can make depression work by making some small changes.


Drinking clean water regularly also reduces the symptoms of depression.

Walk in the open pure air in the morning, walk, stay close to nature. Gossiping with friends also contributes a lot to the stress railway. Talk to your close or friends and tell them your mind. Read good books and listen to your favorite music. Keep the house ventilated so that fresh air from outside comes into the house.

Getting good sleep also relieves stress.



Some easy ways to overcome depression:


green tea

Green tea contains an amino acid called L-theanine, which can reduce anxiety. Drinking green tea helps with anxiety.



The role of the nervous system is also important in curing depression. Vitamin B is found in abundance in it and this vitamin itself keeps the nervous system fine. Along with this, cashew plays an important role in keeping you active by increasing the energy level in your body, all these properties of cashew will keep you away from depression.



Everyone must have heard about the benefits of apple. Apple, which is full of nutritious properties, also takes care of your mental health. Vitamin B, phosphorus and potassium found in it combine to form glutamic acid. This acid keeps mental health fine.


Iron rich food

The role of iron in our body is very important. But many people have iron deficiency, especially girls. So. In such a situation, the best way for this is that you should eat iron-rich food. Due to this, the iron level remains fine in you, as well as your mood is also fine. In this way you are saved from depression. Spinach is the best source of iron.



Cardamom is very important to freshen the mood.

Eat cardamom directly or boil ground cardamom seeds with water or take it with tea. it will freshen your mood


Good sleep

Healthy sleeping habits are also effective in warding off depression. Set daily bedtime and early rise times. Remember, sleep is essential for us but not too much sleep. Sleep before 10 o’clock at night and wake up before sunrise at 6 in the morning.



Consuming cilantro also happens. Consuming Sitaphal calms the mind, then the mind starts coming in a balanced state.


Turmeric milk

If you feel sad with the change in weather, then you can take warm milk with sugar and some turmeric.


Ayurvedic Treatment:


According to Ayurveda, there are three types of depression-

Vata Depression: Fear, Nervousness, Anxiety

Bile depression with intense despair like thoughts of suicide

Kapha Depression Excessive Sleep, Heaviness and Lethargy


Do not use any medicine without consulting an experienced Ayurvedic doctor.




In this method, a stream of oil is passed on the forehead of a person suffering from pendulum speed, which reduces stress and reduces insomnia and depression.


Shirodhara mainly affects Manomaya Kosha. (Our body is divided into five koshas). It is designed to relax the mind and body from head to toe. Along with this, our nervous system gets a chance to repair itself. Studies show that Shirodhara leads to calmness, relaxation, and relaxation, just as meditation does. If you want to get Ayurvedic treatment for anxiety, then you can adopt this remedy. It is an effective and easy way to overcome anxiety.





Along with keeping the mind calm, it is helpful in removing insomnia, nervousness and anxiety. Many herbs are used as nerve tonics in traditional medicine in India. Brahmi is very popular among these herbs. It is known as memory booster. This herb has been used by Ayurvedic professionals for over 3000 years. The traditional use of Brahmi is that it is an anti anxiety remedy. It is used in many types of brain disorders.




 This energy-boosting herb reduces stress and anxiety. It is used in the form of powder. It is also considered an important herb in Ayurvedic and indigenous systems of medicine for over 3000 years. Both preclinical and clinical studies suggest the use of ashwagandha for anxiety, inflammation, Parkinson’s disease, cognitive and neurological disorders. It is also used therapeutically in nervous exhaustion, insomnia, anxiety, tension etc. due to stress.




It acts as a brain tonic. It improves memory and brain function. Also, due to its antioxidant properties, it prevents cell damage. It is claimed that it calms the mind and treats anxiety and insomnia. This herb is found in the Himalayas.



Shankhpushpi stress relief



According to Ayurveda, Shankhpushpi helps to calm the mind and relieve stress as well as anxiety. It also improves memory by acting as a brain tonic due to its medhya (improving intelligence) property. Relieves high blood pressure and headache. Enhances sleep. It gives rest to your mind.







Asanas and Pranayama to relieve stress


Yogic actions like Padmasana, Vajrasana, Shirshasan, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana, Janushirasana, Trikonasana and Ustrasana etc. are useful to cure the mind. Sukhasana is very beneficial for removing stress, your mind remains calm.


You can use the following asanas and pranayama to get relief from stress.


anjali mudra

Place both the hands together in the center of the heart chakra, this mudra shows the balance between the two corners of the heart. It is done by sitting on the ground, stooping and closing the eyes.


Anulom Vilom- To do this pranayama, sit with your back straight. Now by pressing the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand, inhale through the left nostril and then exhale through the right nostril. You can do this for 2 to 5 minutes.


Yoga Poses For Stress

Balasana / Child Pose / sanctuary poweryoga

Sukhasana (Sukhasana / Easy Pose / sanatana.yoga )


Uttanasana (Uttanasana / Standing Forward Bend Pose / joayoga. )


Halasana / Plow Pose

Shavasana / Corpse Pose

Uttan Shisho Asana



How to do Balasana – Balasana karne ka tarika

This asana is very easy and beneficial to do. Do this for 5 minutes.

To do Balasana, sit on your yoga mat or floor in Vajrasana.

Now while breathing in, raise both the hands directly above the head. ,

Now while exhaling, bend forward. ,

Keep bending forward until your palms touch the ground.

Now inoculate the head on the ground.



Method of doing Sukhasan:

First of all, sit down with the legs spread in front of the body.

Bend the right leg and place the claw under the left thigh.

Bend the left leg and place the claw under the right thigh. ,

Keep the head, neck and spine straight without straining them.

Close your eyes.

Breathe in and out for 60 seconds. Focus your attention on this. By doing this the mind and mind get peace. All the anxiety is removed from the body.


Marjariasana- Marjari posture is named after the word “Marjar”. Marjar means cat. In this asana, you stretch your back like a cat, and hence the name “Marjari Asana”. In this, sitting on the knees, bend the back towards the back. While breathing in, slowly exhale the stomach inwards and then exhale outwards. This calms the mind completely. The whole body gets a lot of benefits.




With the help of this asana, it helps to reduce the pain of back, hips and ankles.

Method of doing Uttanasana (Step by Step Instructions)

Stand straight on the yoga mat and place both hands on the hips.

Make the knees soft while inhaling the breath.

Bend forward while bending the waist.

Try to balance the body.

Slightly move the hips and tailbone back.



Paschimottanasana- Keep the legs and back straight in this. Now stretch the hands by moving them forward from the feet. Tilt the head down, then slowly bring the hands back to the normal position.




Lie on your back on a yoga mat.

Keep your hands close to the body.

While inhaling, lift the legs upwards.

The legs will form a 90 degree angle from the waist.

Support the waist with your hands while raising the legs.

Bend the straight legs towards the head and take the legs behind the head.




In this posture, lie down comfortably and leave the body completely loose. All the tensions are removed by this asana.



Uttan Shisho Asana

If you have trouble sleeping then do this asana. Sitting on the knees and palms, slowly move your hands forward a little and turn the toes inwards. On exhalation, move the hips back towards the heels. Do not let the elbow touch the ground. Relax the neck by bending the forehead down.