Amazing benefits of deep breathing

Amazing benefits of deep breathing

If you can’t exercise a lot, you can’t take care of your diet.

So at least start doing one thing. Take that deep breath. Seeing its innumerable benefits, you will definitely start doing it. This habit will change your life. Are able to do all their work with more concentration and success in life



Only by taking deep breaths and exhaling, we get many benefits. Thousands of years ago there has been importance of deep breathing and exhalation which has been presented by the masters as the practice of Pranayama.


Doing this remedy in the morning or evening in a secluded place in the open air will be more beneficial.


Deep breathing is a lifelong practice and a lifelong learning journey. You can start with trying 10 deep breaths in and out, focusing on breathing through your nose, and focusing on your breath. And then gradually increase the time. no hurries. Over time will become a practice that lasts a lifetime.


According to research done in America, when we take deep breaths, it expands in the size of our brain.


 Through the practice of deep breathing, thinking becomes positive and the memory power of the person is developed. This pranayama also develops the intellect. By paying attention to the breath, many diseases can be overcome.



Taking deep and long breaths increases the body’s ability to fight against diseases. So that you don’t get sick. It lowers the risk of heart attack.


If you ever get very angry, then start taking deep breaths, this will calm your mind and help reduce anger. Deep breathing is very beneficial to overcome fear, sleeplessness, anxiety, anger, and other types of mental disorders.


By meditating on the breath, it helps to remove negative thoughts filled with restlessness, depression, anger and hatred from our body.


It relaxes your heart and mind. This reduces the stress level, the problem of insomnia is cured.


Anxiety (restlessness) is less. It has a direct effect on the brain. It also improves the balance of hormones.


Our mind remains calm, gives us good, deep sleep. The more oxygen reaches the brain through deep breathing, the more calm the mind will remain. Dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins increase these four chemicals, which are very important for the brain.


Deep breathing reduces acidity in the body, making it alkaline. Stress also increases the acidity level in the body. Breathing also reduces stress and thus reduces acidity.


Detoxes the body: Carbon dioxide is a natural toxic waste that is released through the breath. Deep breathing removes toxins from the body and purifies the blood. Your face also gets a wonderful glow.


This makes digestion better. Due to deep breathing, the nervous system also works more efficiently.


Many times the problem of headache occurs due to lack of air, in such a situation, deep breathing should be taken.


When we take deep breaths, our physical and mental structure also changes.

Which are also beneficial for our future generations.


By taking deep breaths, our body takes in all the nutritious elements well, which gives us good energy, and our stamina increases.


If you are suffering from any lung related problem, just take deep breaths. It can strengthen your lungs.


Try to take deep breaths and the body itself begins to straighten the spine. Posture improves.


 According to research, if you breathe properly, then you can increase your life.

Incorrect breathing can deduct many years from the actual age. If the flow of oxygen reaches the whole body through the breath, then our whole body becomes completely new every seven years.


Deep breathing is proving to be very beneficial for the patients of coronavirus.



Some more benefits of deep breathing:

Release of endorphin hormones, which act as pain killers.

Blood flow improves.

Inflammation works.

Posture is fine.

Digestion improves.

Improved heart and lung activity.

Better control over the mind.

Improvement of the nervous system.

Deep breathing improves blood quality.

Contributes to calming the nervous system.

 Contributes to getting rid of wrinkles.

Deep breathing improves the work of the lymphatic system.


When you keep on practicing deep breathing, you can do the next steps in the practice of Anulom Vilom and Kapal Bhati Yoga, Shavasana and Ujjayi and Bhramari Pranayama. With prolonged practice, it helps in awakening the Kundalini power.





There are many deep breathing exercises available these days, which you can download and practice on your phone.


Breathe, universal breathing, headspace are some such apps.